Jackson's Cafe

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Conferences Forum FAQ
Jackson's Cafe FAQ
"How do I post images?"
You can just include the imageurl ( i.e. http://www.somedomain.com/Images/cool.gif) in your message. Or you can also upload an image(this option has to be enabled by the administrator) by clicking on Click here to choose your file on the post form. This will launch a remote window through which you can specify the file extension and browse your disk to select the file you wish to upload. Once the file is selected, the attachment textbox will automatically be populated with the name of your uploaded file. All files are randonmly renamed. Keep in mind that there is a size limitation to file upload.
General FAQ
  1. What is a conference?
  2. What is a forum?
  3. What is a thread/topic?
  4. Why are there so many different types of forums?
  5. How do I get access to restricted and private forums?
  6. When I post a message in one forum, it posts ok. But in another forum, it won't post. Why?
Registration FAQ
  1. Do I have to register?
  2. Why should I register?
  3. How do I register?
  4. The registration process tells me that I have an invalid email address. What's up with that?
Icons FAQ
  1. What does each menu icon allow me to do?
  2. Why do some file icons display flame?
  3. Why do some forum folder icons display a lock?
  4. Why do some topic icons display a lock?
  5. Why do some topics have [view all] next to the subject?
  6. What are all those icons immediately to the right of the username?
  7. What are all those icons to the upper right corner of each message below the date and time?
User How-to FAQ
  1. How do I navigate?
  2. How do I start a new topic?
  3. How do I start a new poll?
  4. How do I reply to an existing message?
  5. How do I keep track of new messages?
  6. How do I change my account information?
  7. How do I change my password?
  8. How do I edit my profile?
  9. How do I edit my forum preference?
  10. How do I subscribe to forums?
  11. How do I manage subscription to topics?
  12. How do I hide my profile or disable email functions?
  13. How do I use an avatar image in my messages?
  14. How do I use signatures in my messages?
  15. How do I use HTML tags in my messages?
  16. How do I post images?
  17. How do I use HTML links?
User Functions FAQ
  1. What is a subscription?
  2. What is an inbox?
  3. What is a bookmark?
  4. What is a buddy list?
  5. What is a scratch pad?
  6. What is topic rating system?
  7. How do I rate topics?
  8. What is user rating system?
  9. How do I participate? Do I have to participate?
  10. How do I rate other users?

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